Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Big Girl

Kierra is really growing and changing. In the last 9 days Kierra managed to give up her pacifier and just yesterday she moved into her "Big Dirl" (Girl) bed. I wasn't sure we would ever get rid of the pacifier but she did it. Yeah!!!! She loves her big girl bed and likes her new bed being in Brianna's room. Brianna reluctantly agreed that Kierra can sleep in her room for "a while." I figured being in with Brianna would help her with the transition. Kierra talks ALL the time and although still somewhat dutchy can be understood most of the time. She has also learned to swing on a big swing and tries to pump her legs back and forth. She is so much fun right now but she is also becoming more independent and is challenging and trying out her boundaries which is not so fun for Mom and Dad. I can't believe she is growing so fast. Brianna took the whole last blog so thought I would catch everyone up on Kierra. Brianna still loves school and now says she doesn't like Fridays because it means the end of school and she NEVER wants school to end. Wonder how long that will last? Hopefully a long long time!
Her first time to sleep in her big girl bed.

Swinging high on the big swing.

The girls with Daddy for his birthday. Happy Birthday Dad.

Dressed up for church one Sunday morning.

With her new Baby Panda that cries and takes a bottle. Thanks MomMom.

Playing dress up one day. Please excuse the laundry in the picture.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Brianna's First Day of Kindergarten

Today was Brianna's first day of Kindergarten. Brianna was VERY excited about school but Mom and Dad had mixed feelings about this day. We are so blessed that Brianna is able to go to a Christian school and has a wonderful new teacher. Brianna came in our room before 6 am this morning wanting to know if it was time to get ready for school. I don't imagine that will last long but she was so excited to start this first day.

All ready for school.

A quick family photo minus Kierra who, lucky her, was still asleep.

On the ride to school.

Walking in to the school.

Walking in to her classroom to greet her teacher, Ms Juli

In her classroom by her cubby hole.

She got to out to the playground before class started and she immediately went the monkey bars and was hanging upside down but when she spotted us she raised up to wave at us. Silly girl.

At the end of her first day with her new friend, Mia. She was just as hyper when I went to pick her up as when we dropped her off this morning. Poor teacher.