Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Snake" bite!

Brianna has been getting some type of bug bites the last few days. Last night before bed she showed me one of the bites and said that is was getting swollen like one she had on her finger before.

Then she said, "I think it was a snake that bit me."

I kind of laughed and said it wasn't a snake.

Brianna said, "Mom, there is a snake that they say, when it bites you it causes pain but usually doesn't kill you, and it can cause mild swelling."

She was quite serious. Thankfully she walked out the bedroom door right after she said it because I lost it laughing. That child is something else and she is only in 1st grade! Hoping we can keep up with her. (I believe that snake information was in a book she has about reptiles but not sure.)

Brianna's "snake" bite:) (It really isn't even as red as the picture makes it look.)

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord for taking care of Ethan during his surgery on Tuesday. He had to have a urology procedure done. They said the surgery could take 45 minutes to 2+ hours depending on what they found once they got started. Thank the Lord it ended up being less complicated than they thought it might be so it was only about an hour and a half from the time they took him until they let us be with him in recovery. After about an hour in recovery we got to take him home and we are so grateful. He had a rough evening that day but by yesterday was doing pretty well. Thanks to all who prayed for him and us. Mommy struggled with some fear before the surgery but God is good and helped me through that too. The surgery center doctors and nurses were wonderful and took good care of Ethan and us. Another answered prayer that day. He had to go several hours without eating prior to surgery and as you can tell by looking at our boy he LIKES to eat. He was getting fussy while we were waiting for them to take him back and he was tired and wanted to nurse but Mommy was praying and thankfully he fell asleep and took a nap until they came to get him.

Leaving home to go to surgery. Poor boy had no idea what was about to happen.

Playing with Daddy before they took him back.

After surgery and on our way home :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Family vacation

We are so blessed that MomMom, Aunt Shaley, Aunt Dana, Uncle Larry, Papa Great, Kartyr, and Karlye were able to come visit us. We had a wonderful time with them all. The kids enjoyed being together to play and we enjoyed visiting. We celebrated several birthdays that are all close together. One day we went to Knotts Berry Farm and had lots of fun. The rest of the time we mainly spent at home. Papa Great flew home on his 83 rd birthday. Thanks Papa for coming to visit us. We so loved having you all here. We were sad to see them leave but are very thankful for our time together. Thanks all of you for coming. These aren't in order but I am too tired to rearrange them so here they are.

Ethan the smiley boy. Can't believe he is 6 months old already.

Kierra and Karlye spent hours playing outside in the yard and in their car.

Four generation picture.

Kartyr, Nana, and Kierra driving the race cars at Knotts Berry Farm.
MomMom braved the spinning sombero ride with 3 of the kids.
Kartyr and Brianna flying.
Kierra flying.
Uncle Larry bought Ethan a Snoopy dog.
Papa Great enjoying watching the kids ride the rides.
Karlye getting her face painted.
I love this picture. The big kids got their faces painted first and Karlye wanted to but was a little scared until Daddy held her hand. Everything is OK if Daddy is holding your hand.
4 painted hooligans.
Kierra's butterfly face paint.
Bri's princess crown face paint.
One very adorable Spiderman. Kartyr with his face paint.
We all rode the big train which got "held up at gun point." The kids gave the thieves some coins and in exchange the robbers gave the kids some shot out bullet shells. The robbers told the kids that those shells were special and allowed them to "1. Stay in the park until it closes and 2. Ride all the rides for FREE for the rest of the day." The kids of course fell for that hook, line, and sinker and were so very impressed and told all of us what those special shells would allow them to do. We got a great laugh out of that. At the end of the ride the robbers offered to take a picture with the kids :)
Aunt Dana and Ethan
Some semi trucks the kids could "drive." One of only 2 rides that Ethan got to ride. This was his first ride and then the big train.
Kierra's favorite ride in the whole park. A little mine car that she had to make go herself by pushing and pulling on the little handle bar. So funny. She rode it so many times I lost count. Thankfully the place wasn't busy so she could ride that many times.
Papa Great saying goodbye to one of the characters.
4 of the kiddos with Snoopy.